Local churches to educate and prepare their young people for missions.
Specialized training for third world missionaries.
both short and long term missionaries with tools they
need to thrive in remote areas.
A new way to experience missions.
A new way to experience missions.
The purpose of a Missions Camp
Over the course of the last few decades it has become increasingly apparent that the once common skills that are necessary to live and thrive in third world countries are no longer natural for our young men and women. The days of butchering your own meat, repairing your own cars, and surviving hostile environments have nearly faded from remembrance in our modern society.The problem then arises, how will our generation cope with these extreme situations while attempting to spread the Gospel unto the uttermost parts of the world?
The three week missions camp hosted by Reaching Beyond Borders is a brief introduction to the common culture of third world countries. Each day instructors will present scenarios of real live situations, which they have personally encountered in foreign countries. Campers will be divided into teams as they work under the supervision of veteran missionaries to overcome these obstacles.The camp is better defined as an experience rather than a training course. If our goal is accomplished, students will leave with a greater understanding of the challenges they will face, and a commitment to prepare themselves accordingly.